

Aiy-aiy-yo, a Hindu fatwa now...

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(From the Times of India, print edition)

Karuna pooh-poohs sadhus’ ‘fatwa’

Ayodhya Mahant Offers Gold To Man Who Can Behead CM For ‘Ram Insult’

Lucknow: Tamil Nadu chief minister Karunanidhi’s anti-Ram tirade has generated holy rage in Ayodhya. First, sadhus from different sects joined hands to launch a campaign against the ‘Ramdrohi’ and then took to the streets. Now, a powerful lobby of mahants has taken a leaf out of the book of fatwa-happy maulvis and former UP minister Yaqoob Qureshi, who had announced a bounty for the killing of a Danish cartoonist who lampooned the Prophet.

They have publicly issued a “dharmadesh” (religious diktat) to behead the CM for calling Ram a “piyakkad” (drunkard). Quoting from religious scriptures, a Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas member Ram Vilasdas Vedanti, also a former BJP MP, made an offer “to weigh in gold any person who brings Karunanidhi’s head to Ayodhya”. The diktat, he said, had been issued after “due deliberation from the saint community of the temple town”.


  1. blog
    Beheading others for their own views is just ridiculous, be it Saudis or these fanatic hindus....

  2. Of all the things to learn from Muslims...they had to choose fatwas...

  3. I am really tired of this person; he posts at least 3 comments a day, most are repeated, each one mentions Afzal. There is absolutely no reason for me to take the abusive language that come with it.

    This comment has been allowed because I wish to expose the lack of comprehension skills:

    Circle's comment clearly mentions that what the Saudis do is equally reprehensible. Btw, an earlier comment by Circle had been removed when I felt it was inappropriate.

    This person does not even understand what I said about moderating. I was clear that I moderate, not censor bits and pieces from the comments; it is not technically possible and I would not do it.

    But, I am not liberal enough to allow people to use foul language, sully me, my mother and even those who visit and comment here.

    I am not liberal enough to allow repetitive rants that cannot understand basic language.

    I am not liberal enough to accept being called a jihadi when I write poetry.

    I am not liberal enough to be masochistic.

    There is absolutely nothing this person has to say that can be deemed an argument.

    Why should this place be a room for spamming?

    We all know what this person thinks. Fine. Thank you. I will not permit your comments because you have nothing new to say and no one here is interested in your same old stuff. It is still around for those who are keen.

    Please do not waste you time here...and do not assume rubbish that I am making money from this blog. Do you see even one advertisement? Even if some people do, it is a choice they make.

    As for me, you can say 'wow' again. Thank you.
    - - -
    Circle, Tan: Precisely...

  4. Thanks for allowing this anonymous comment. It made me laugh in a terrible mood.

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