

Suicide attacks, cows and other animals

54 people have been killed in a suicide attack on a mosque in the North West Frontier Province in Pakistan while they had gone to perform Eid prayers.

Why are people surprised?

If terrorists want to make a point they always choose an auspicious day. That brings them attention. Everybody knows Muslims kill Muslims, and Pakistan is no exception. This isn’t the first attack on a mosque in that country.

And what are we in India doing? The Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband in Uttar Pradesh asked Muslims not to sacrifice cows as it would disturb peace and harmony. According to a report, this has been welcomed by not just clerics but common Muslims as well.

Am sure, the cows too.

In the year 1999, when Bakr Eid and Mahavir Jayanti were to fall on the same day I had written well in advance that why were Muslims not being asked to be large-hearted and refrain from slaughter on that particular day?

But I am not a cleric, not even a really common Muslim. No one gives a damn. Well, they did and said I did not know anything about Islam. Or Hinduism. Or anything.

Good. I don’t want to know.

We are animal enough and get sacrificed all the time at some altar or the other – emotional, intellectual, physical.


  1. FV:

    Haven't you lost count of the immolations by now? Btw which one did you prefer to be made a living immotile -- a "jhatka" or the "halaal".

  2. Dear Farzana,
    Hi! Eid Mubarak! How are you doing? This is Salim Chauhan, your avid fan and loyal follower from another life.

    Your discussion of the Eid suicide attacks in NWFP was right on the mark. What a sad, tragic, and frustrating, yet much too common, state that Muslims have dug for themselves.

    On a positive note, I enjoyed reading your reaction to the new-found brilliance blooming out of the Dar-ul-Uloom, Deoband, UP. Why must something sensible have to be rediscovered by this group of steamed social scientists before it is deemed proper for Islamic consumption? Why can't the custodians of our religious compass point the way because of sheer knowledge, progressive thinking, and a reformist attitude. Eating beef, for that matter any red meat, should be discouraged for reasons of health, compassion, and modernity. Of course, if the rationale is to respect the feelings of our neighbors, then that's not such a bad thing. Too bad the ulema did not listen to an original thinker back in 99.

    Now that I have found you, I plan to visit more often.

    Salim Ahmed Chauhan

  3. Why are peole surprised? Because it's impossible for anyone with an ounce of humanity to NOT be surprised. You can't expect people to say "So what else is new?" and move on. "Worldy wisdom" hardly extends so far. That disgusting cretin of a bomber bloody shook people up, as he no doubt intended to.

    Anyway, hope you had a good Eid.

  4. PS:

    These things are not quantifiable...


    Humans must take responsibility for their own actions...this only proves that the whole idea behind 'belief' is all wrong.


    The query "Why are people surprised?" was essentially to underline the fact that we are in denial. No "worldly wisdom" was implied. However, do you think people are really concerned, and I make special emphasis on those who ought to be since they will decide on the fate of others? Also, the bomber chose a 'right' day, as I already mentioned. It is all about grabbing eyeballs...

    I did not have much of an Eid, but then I rarely do these past few years.

  5. Hi Salim:

    I would like to assume you are the same person...please confirm in this life, as "another life" is too much living...

    It is sad that the Muslim world is becoming isolated while pretending to be a cohesive whole. Many of these societies have been forced into a corner.

    Re. the Dar-ul-Uloom, Deoband, I do not like the idea of a 'fatwa' obsessed group deciding to speak on behalf of all Muslims. They sent these out in many cows are slaughtered? Not many. These are all political tactics.They will get some brownie points and the government will give them benefits and Muslims will be accused of being appeased.

    "Eating beef, for that matter any red meat, should be discouraged for reasons of health, compassion, and modernity."

    Modernity? I do not eat beef because of health reasons and the fact that a certain section does revere the cow. This is the first time I am saying it publicly.

    "Too bad the ulema did not listen to an original thinker back in 99."

    She was too hot for them to handle!

    "Now that I have found you, I plan to visit more often."

    Well, this is a simple place, mostly sprinkled with my mundane thoughts on things that should have happened but did not :)

  6. Are people concerned? Those you can call 'people' are. Those who aren't are barely 'human'.


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