

Ask the vexpert - 3

Question: Since I have been masturbating for the past six years, the size of my penis is the same. It hasn't increased in size and it's not very fat either. I am very disappointed. I am getting married next year. I am very nervous and I want to increase my penis size. Is it possible to do so with any medication? Also, is it ok to remove my underwear before sleeping?

Sexpert: Growth stops after 18 years of age. So, you will have to go to marriage with the instrument you have. You can sleep nude if you wish to do so.

Me: The problem my friend lies not with you but your penis. It suffers from low self-esteem and complete lack of ambition. Except for the Sensex that dips dangerously, almost everything shows some sort of growth. And since you have been working at it and on it, this must come as a rude shock to you. Another possibility is that it could have joined the fashion fad and believes anorexia is so in and it must blindly follow the trend. You ought to give it an ego boost and tell your P-pal that fat is the new thin. Being fat is fine as long as the cholesterol levels are within limits.

Exercise and nutrition are the best medications. Put the darn thing on a rich diet together with a few good minutes of sweating it out to build muscle tone. If need be, get a personal trainer.

Regarding removing of your underwear, you have not specified whether it is before sleeping or before going to bed. If it is before sleeping, then you may have it on while in bed and chances that you may doze off are there. In which case, the said underwear, unaware of your intentions of discarding it, may continue to cling to you. This attachment could prove to be a long-term commitment. Do make your priorities clear at the outset.


  1. Lol!
    I once found a site that you would love to rip apart >

    Two of the forums I read on it were:

  2. Doesn't this guy have hotmail? If he doesn't, perhaps the author could put him on some auto-forwards for the hundreds of cures for such annoying deficiencies which come streaming-in, even to people who don't need such cures as the author ... :)

    (p.s: i.e author of the blog, not of this post .. not that hopefully he needs one either ...LoL !)

  3. Farzana.. your too much.

    I am absolutely sure if you replace the sexpert the readership will increase amazingly.

    Looks like the print media has not taken cognizance of this aspect of you.

  4. Thanks guys, am sure a bit of ribbing (and ripping) is all par for the course...


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