

How many miles to Fucking?

There is really such a town in Austria:

So as the forward I got asks…

Are the residents called Fuckers?

What are the mothers called?

What would you be learning at the Fucking High School?

Does the Fucking Hospital help you with anything else?

If your friend came from another town, he wouldn't be your Fucking friend.

And this report is hilarious:

PS: My comment pop-up window is not popping up, so thanks for the comments...will wait for the pop.


  1. Would you like more of em?

  2. Well, everyone has had a go at the word now!


    You've returned after days with a gift fer me? :)

  3. I suppose you could say that.

    Won't be coming online too often in the next few months. Big thing looming (somewhat dangerously) on the horizon, can't mess up, will 'see' you next in June. Take care.

  4. If you are still around, thanks for the 'gift' and the engaging comments.

    Whatever it is that looms on the horizon will sink like the sun, if it causes upheaval. Nothing a nice Cointreau can't fix.

    Yes, 'see' you when you are here next...meanwhile, do keep a look out for the book, which should be most likely out by then. I think you had enquired...

    Be good and well...


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