

Ask the vexpert - 6

Question: I am suffering from a problem of very early ejaculation. When I enter my wife's vagina, I can hold for just about a minute before I ejaculate. What could be the reason for this? A friend recalls reading about a cream you had suggested in this column. Could you tell me which cream is it? Also, I find it extremely hot when I am inside her. Once when withdrew, I even saw steam coming out. What could be wrong? Kindly help us, we are worried.

Sexpert: The temperature will certainly not fry your penis! It happens due to the congestion of blood in your wife's vagina. About your PE, try to learn how to stop and start. Use Climax Spray if you want.

Me: You need to get rid of the stopwatch. Think 61 seconds and keep increasing the duration. I would suggest you use compact powder instead of a cream…any woman will tell you how the makeup stays in place with this magic powder. Regarding the heat, I suggest you first insert a couple of ice-cubes (club variety, the kind you can prod with a straw or stirrer). Another way out is to use a small battery-operated fan at intervals…it might also prolong your stay. You say you saw steam coming out? Does your wife run a sauna? Some career women do take their jobs very seriously. Did the steam curl up or did it make a hissing sound like in a pressure cooker? These are not minor problems. My worry is that due to the excess heat and steam your penis might evaporate. Why don’t you build an igloo over your penis? It will also add weight as well as keep you cool.


  1. LMAO!!
    The guy saw steam coming out, okay? Cut him some slack!

  2. hahaha! I visited your blog after such a long time and this one cracked me up. I know this is not the most appropriate post to comment on ( considering i read alot of interesting stuff here) but I laughed so hard that I fell off the futon. Thank you for making me laugh at this random hour :)

  3. Well, I thought I should keep quiet, but...yes, it is rather funny!

  4. Hey ... maybe it was female ejaculation ... There IS such a thing you know .... honest!.

  5. I don't doubt your honesty, except your ability not to read! It is a man talking it....

  6. FV,

    err ... I meant the steam part :)

  7. Oops forgot to add the nic above.


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