

In search of an identity

If any of you want, here is an interview and review that has appeared in today's The News, Pakistan. Also uploaded on my other blog.

Talking of interviews, a small one appeared on July 4 in The Asian Age pull-out section. Damn, I have been misquoted so badly...when I said some Pakistanis wonder how I (as in an Indian Muslim) can live among idol worshippers and those who kill Muslims - and these were real quotes from people - the quote has been attributed to me. As in according to FV, "How can I..." blah, blah...


  1. Yeah, it was a bit of a shock to find you there. Spilled my pepsi.

  2. Is The News one of those things you hide and read? And was your Pepsi spiked? Is this a plug for the fizz?

    ...were you happy to see me?!

  3. Oh no, our news is "potent" enough for anyone's taste; no need to make it more so by hiding it.
    If it was spiked, you can be damn sure I wouldn't spill it!

    ...I'm always happy, even when I'm sad.

  4. Hmm...smileys work as real happy pills, don't they? are one of those who remain "poore hosho-havaas mein" even when tipsy, so you wouldn't let a spiked one spill?

    Hope you are well...


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