

Ooh la-la-land of Omar Abdullah

So everyone is mighty impressed by the mighty heart of the cub of the cub of the Sher-e-Kashmir.

I am not biting this ‘dignified’ speech. Only because Omar Abdullah was not flashing a wad of notes does not mean one has to go along with his highly apologetic tone about how Muslims are not this and not that and then say, with some bloody audacity, that being Muslim and being Indian are not mutually exclusive. Why does he even need to say it? Why?

Here are some of his bon-bon mots, and let me respond:

“I am a Muslim and I am an Indian. And I see no distinction between the two. I don’t know why should I fear the nuclear deal. It is a deal between two countries which, I hope, will become two equals in the future. The enemies of Indian Muslims are not America or deals like these. The enemies are the same as the enemies of all those who are poor — poverty, hunger, lack of development and the absence of a voice.”

It isn't about you, Omar. It is about Indians. Not two abstractions called ‘countries’, please. If you personally do not fear the nuclear deal you can go and figure out some way to cook up something in your outhouse. Don’t mess with an issue that is larger and has greater ramifications. And stop this thing about India and America being equals in the future; this conveys that we are unequal at present and in view of the current deal sends out the message that India is therefore playing an inferior role. It is in fact doing so, which is what the ruckus has been all about. But Omar wants to be like America. And he is quoting the same thing about the real enemies being poverty and other stuff, which everyone knows. It does not mean there cannot be other enemies and America will ensure that India does not get too far. Look how it has got to Pakistan…

“Today, the Left is telling me that all secular parties should stand with the BJP to bring down this government. The same Left treated me like a political untouchable when I was with the NDA.”

You were a political untouchable because you were with the NDA. The Left is asking you to support the anti-nuclear stand, which happens to be the BJP’s purported stand. Understood?

“I am not a member of the UPA and don’t aspire to be one. I made a mistake to be with the NDA, especially after Gujarat riots happened. My conscience had asked me to quit NDA but I didn’t. My conscience has still not forgiven me.”

Go give a jadoo ki jhappi to your conscience and next time listen to it. Unless you don’t want to so that when the opportunity arises you can bring it out as a viable ‘dignified’ stand.

(On the Amarnath issue that Leader of Opposition L K Advani had highlighted in his speech yesterday, Abdullah said he had fought for the cause since it involved the land of his people. He dared the BJP to name a single leader from Jammu and Kashmir who had opposed the Amarnath yatra.)

“Until the day there is even a single Muslim in Kashmir, from Srinagar to Amarnath, the Amarnath yatra will not be allowed to stop.”


Now takhliyaan...that is, over and out…

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For the other tamasha of ‘live’ bribery, you may want to watch this.


  1. FV:

    I hold no brief for Omar, but you are being too unkind on him. In the context of the debate and when he spoke, there was merit in what he said and said forcefully.

    Why does he even need to say it? Why?

    Because everyone from the Left to Mayawati is saying that the deal is pro-India and anti-Muslim. It is nice that he said that and said it in those many words. He answered the sub-text with text and that is commendable.

    and America will ensure that India does not get too far. Look how it has got to Pakistan…

    Then why is Bush being accused of selling out to the Indians. And has Pakistan ever negotiated anything like this with the US. They have always been thrown a few alms for being used. It is simplistic to compare India and Pakistan here.

    The Left is asking you to support the anti-nuclear stand, which happens to be the BJP’s purported stand.

    And the left wants Ms. Mayawati to be the PM. They are willing to vote with Advani,Joshi, Modi et al just for short-term gains. Enemy's enemy is my friend and in politics, there are only permanent interests.
    The same argument can apply to Omar. He was with the NDA for his political interests in Kashmir.

    and next time listen to it. ... you can bring it out as a viable ‘dignified’ stand.

    At least, give the guy one chance. If he repeats this opportunistic flip-flop by invoking the conscience, then we can be more scathing in berating him.

    His statements are significant and to dismiss them as vacuous claptrap isn't fair. He at least said things directly rather than obfuscate it by ideological pretensions of the Left or naked ambitions of a saffron old man in a hurry or a corrupt lady politician fighting to kill her corruption cases.

  2. PS:

    We shall differ...

    Rahul Gandhi also made his point (as an Indian, not a Congressman, as he said) 'forcefully'.

    Omar did not answer "the sub-text with text" because you are assuming what he said was THE text. When the others say it it is as mauka parast people; he was saying it as "one of us".

    "And has Pakistan ever negotiated anything like this with the US. They have always been thrown a few alms for being used. It is simplistic to compare India and Pakistan here."

    Not comparing, just showing that the US will use...and let us not forget WTO.

    "{The Left is asking you to support the anti-nuclear stand, which happens to be the BJP’s purported stand.}

    And the left wants Ms. Mayawati to be the PM. They are willing to vote with Advani,Joshi, Modi et al just for short-term gains...
    The same argument can apply to Omar. He was with the NDA for his political interests in Kashmir."

    So, why is he complaining and taking this high moral stand?

    "His statements are significant and to dismiss them as vacuous claptrap isn't fair. He at least said things directly rather than obfuscate it by ideological pretensions of the Left or naked ambitions of a saffron old man in a hurry or a corrupt lady politician fighting to kill her corruption cases."

    His statements are significant only given the atmosphere in which they were uttered. And how do we know he is not using it as an ambitious platform for later?

    As I said, his tone was apologetic; if he says the issue is between the two countries, then why did he want to talk as a Muslim? Huh?

    I know we will continue to disagree...

  3. @FV:

    I am only asking you to at least give him a chance. That is all...

    I know we will continue to disagree...

    Respectful and healthy disagreement only, Ma'am.

  4. "I am only asking you to at least give him a chance. That is all..."

    Ungli dene par hi tau haath phass jaata hai :)

    Khair...all healthy...

  5. "Look how it has got to Pakistan…"

    For what it's worth, America never got to Pakistan- 'Pakistanis' did. You can't accuse someone of breaking and entering if the door was wide open to begin with.

    Anyway, I'm sort of glad they've got the atomic bomb invented. If there's ever another war, I'm going to sit right the hell on top of it. I'll volunteer for it, I swear to God I will. ~J.D. Salinger, 'The Catcher in the Rye'

  6. FV,

    There's a name which the never-enslaved Pushtuns of the tribal belt Of Pakistan give to the westernized and colonized landed gentry of the Charsadda / Mardan region.

    They call them 'Verkotey Vilayati' or 'Little British'.

    No disrespect intended of-course to the twice apart cub (pup?) of the so titled Sher-e-Kashmir.

  7. Why didn't you comment adversely on the other speeches, ie those not made by Muslims?? What marks you out as a more authentic Muslim voice than Omar Abdullah?

    Till today the only legitimate Muslim voices for FV were those that disparaged the Indian state and Hindus, everyone else was mauka parast and insincere. Today an opposition to America has become an additional requirment for Muslim authenticity and sincerity. Why?

    The issue is not of Muslim authenticity or opposing or supporting America or BJP, the issue is what all can India do with such a deal to further its interests without surrendering its sovereignty. The NPT regime is a failed bureacracy, which didn't stop China from proliferating to Pakistan and North Korea. It didn't stop Israel from exerting strategic muscle and weapons and technology advancement.

    Why should India alone of all these defaulters and violators be subject to NPT's failed guidelines and purposefully isolated by Western world community from arms and technology transfers(and forced to depend on a few nations alone)?

    Religion of any Indian citizen doesnot provide the answer to the questions raised by such a deal. If Omar Abdullah says what he says as a politician answering other politicians, what's your excuse for indulging in the same?

  8. Omar just lied in Parliament . What people should know that a leader should tell the facts :

    Check this out

  9. Mask:

    "Look how it has got to Pakistan…" I said. Getting to something does not require the door to be left open or closed...but I think I know what you are saying...

    So, Salinger was a 'jihadi'?


    Some 'disrespect' would do loads of good.

    Pawan and Anon:

    Check out his interview on NDTV


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