

Delhi blasts

Last evening Delhi experienced a series of bomb blasts. High alert. Stay calm. It could have been worse. All headlines. And the blame game once again.

Oh, they will say, she is not condemning them. I don’t know who them is. Let the police do their job. I have my theories. We all do. One-liners don’t work where so many lives, whole societies, are under threat.

The Times of India carried a front page story about an 11-year-old balloon seller on Connaught Place. The last time I had met one was a few months ago; he also had those darts that you aim at the sky and they light up. It was late; there were no buyers, so I bought two. He left. Would he remember me?

The newspaper tells us that the cops are interrogating the boy. (They have named him Rohit. They have his picture but very self-righteously they say they haven’t published it…you damn well don’t). He saw two men place the ‘bomb’ – a plastic bag really - in a dustbin and 15 minutes later it blew up.

They are depending on him for detailed descriptions. Some NGO is helping him recollect. All clues are important, but in a busy area people do alight from autorickshaws, they do wear black and may dump plastic bags in dustbins. How did this boy even know what information to provide and regarding the time…was he wearing a watch and keeping count?

There will be the usual debate about official versus unofficial figures of the dead. I have never understood this. If it is the work of terrorists why do the cops not release actual figures?

Meanwhile, from the pandal across the lane where I live music is playing. Cops would be sitting there as they always do. The sky is dark at noon. Today is the Ganapathy visarjan (immersion of Lord Ganesh idol) that ends the festive occasion. It has been raining. Large groups will make their way to the sea.

Chances are they would already be drenched. When you are dripping wet it does not matter where the water comes from.


  1. Yes! It is Rat poison! cyanide is very considerate & compassionate, or else how come it’s so gleeful of the miseries of the infidel dogs? Huh?

  2. The police prefer doing religious duty

  3. "If it is the work of terrorists why do the cops not release actual figures?"

    No,actually it's not the terorists but the police who explodes a bomb here and there to malign the great religion of islam.

    On a more serious note,the official and non-official figure thing come up because there numbers keep mounting in case of the acts by the peaceful islamic thugs.So the police keeps releasing the latest figures that they have(obviously they are always behind the actual figures that can be found out from the hospital sources).Btw,there is another case where the official and unofficial figures have been very helpful to professional secularists and jehadis alike:Gujarat.The official figures are like 700 odd muslims and 300 Hindus dead.But the 'unofficial,secular,jehadi' version is that over 2000 innocent muslims(they are always innocent,are they not?) were killed by the evil and blood thirsty Hindus.How about that?

  4. Dear FV-ji

    Please note that these so-called anons are impostors and are intent upon maligning my good name. I would like to bring to your kind attention that I am the true and the only genuinely anonymous anon. One might ask a question as to what is the difference between an impostor and a pit bull? I would have to say, the lipstick - you can't dress up a pig with a lipstick nor pass hocuspucus and call it theory . I remain

    yours anonymously


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