

Pakistan's 'saviours' saving their skins?

Asif Ali Zardari was supposed to be following Hillary Clinton’s diktat. What happened? Why was Nawaz Sharif put under house arrest? And if he was, then how did he manage to break through and join the protest?

This is all sounding very stage-managed.

Not a single politician in Pakistan will go against American interests. None. Even if they want to.

It beats me why Zardari is behaving the way he is. He is not a man of substance who can stand up against opposition. The only reason could be that aware of his utter failure he already has a tacit arrangement with the army for a neat escape.

His attitude has given rise to a whole new bunch of martyrs. Imran Khan, who is essentially a mullah in Saville Row suits when abroad, is now leader material. The guy could not stay in his country when it was crisis time. He has absolutely no standing in the major areas of Pakistan; social butterflies do not count. Even the mullahs will not stand by him.

Nawaz Sharif already has the Saudi lobby in his pocket.

Sherry Rehman resigns because of the clampdown on the electronic media. Naturally, she does not get to be seen…she is now leader material – Benazir’s courier girl? The one who stood by Zardari knowing what he was about? If she had any real intentions to be committed to democracy, then she had her chance to quit a while ago and not wait for Geo TV’s going on the blip.

These people are merely preparing for the next power Centre and hope to save their skins. Far-sighted, I must say.
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I believe there is some kuchch kuchch hota feeling for Musharraf now. Perhaps for those who want to see things beyond the narrow confines of the current situation, you might like to visit what I wrote a year ago in Musharraf, Peace and the Autumn of the Patriarch: The Great Dictator?


  1. FV:

    Leaders, you said... leaders?

  2. FV,

    Currently, there is no strong leader in Pakistan. There are 3 strong women, Mumtaz Shahnawaz, Sherry Rehman and Tahira Abdullah.
    Let us see what they can do

  3. Sherry Rehman, leader material? Nah. One can question her decision to join this government in the first place, but the fact remains that she has done what she has been promising from day one- resign if the media is targeted. I think that is admirable.

    What is this "kuhch kuhch hota feeling for Musharraf"? The greatest insult people are throwing around these days is that Zardari is possessed with Musharraf's spirit!

  4. The army has saved democracy!!I was traveling so got to see Pak tv and it is same circus like India.Why we don't get their channels??Have to make up all reading I missed on the blog.

  5. fv
    No doubt about it, Nawaz Sharif showed all the characteristics of leadership for the first time in the politics of Pakistan.

    The man showed confidence, trust, bravery, communication skills, enthusism, honesty and courage to lead Pakistan in a right direction.

    Nawaz Sharif is a born again kind of Politician now. He has emerged as one of the greatest leaders in the History of subcontinent.

    This man has set an example of great heroism and has set Pakistan in a right direction.

  6. PS:

    Kehne mein kya hai?!


    There are many more strong women, but that does not translate into leadership.


    I do not think Sherry Rehman's decision was based on such commitment.

    There is a section of people who do still feel something-something for Musharraf, and we are not speaking about an Indian blogger!


    The army has indeed saved 'democracy'...

    I too wonder why we don;t get Pakistani channels when they get to see most of ours.


    Nawaz Sharif cannot be a born-again politician because he never did leave politics.

    The way the history of the subcontinent is, emerging as one of the greatest leaders should be deemed an insult. he is in 'good' company among the many opportunists we have here as well.

    Ultimately, of course, it is for Pakistani society to decide.

  7. looks like they're going to go after FV's most admired person in the world....perv mushy..


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