

The short end of Pakistan's Long March

“Today is a defining moment in Pakistan's history. We can change the destiny of this country. Pakistan stands at a crossroads today and it is your duty to save it.”

Words of Nawaz Sharif addressing a rally to protest the arrest of dozens of political activists and lawyers and the outlawing of demonstrations in Islamabad, and the provinces of Punjab and Sindh.

This is the man who was willing to sleep with the enemy to change the destiny of the country at that time.

“Allah has put the decision to change the fate of Pakistan in your hands. It is possible in seven days, even three days. These conspirators will run away with their tails between their legs,” Sharif said.

Why did he not protest all these months when his main difference with Zardari was the reinstatement of judges? Why invoke Allah now? To please the Taliban? So whose tail is between whose legs?

Let us ignore this fact for now. Pakistan is in the midst of probably the worst civil strife it has faced in its history. Asif Ali Zardari was bad to begin with; he has only got worse. He is the dictator he sought to overthrow. There are whispers that he is toeing the US line; I doubt if America would risk getting its pet puppet to arrest lawyers, unless the lawyers pose a danger to its pet puppet once they assert themselves.

Nawaz Sharif may talk about ideals but the Long March beginning on the 12th from Karachi to reach the capital on 16th will achieve nothing except a photo-op; it will work to undo the images being flashed around of the Taliban and Swat tribals. These will be the people the Americans will want to save. In a twisted way, the General Kayani warning to Zardari is only the tip of the iceberg. If it is a US prompt, which is the prevalent view, then America does not realise that the Pakistani Army also works in tandem with the ISI. The ISI is like Mossad; it will give all the appearance of being the US bunny, but will thrust its ass at it when it really wants to.

Right now, Zardari is in trouble; Nawaz Sharif has no locus standi other than to be an Opposition leader; the tribal belts will do their own thing. Nothing is to stop the takeover by the Army.

The snow will melt soon in the Northern areas of Pakistan and Kashmir. Hot air will blow. The barracks need to show some action.

I am afraid democracy in Pakistan is all about who the best dictator is.

Bakwas on bakras:

Meanwhile, a report in Hindustan Times mentions that India and Pakistan are already in battle gear. Over the rights to Pashmina. Our side says that the Srinagar Valley produces the best; they say that their side is good enough.

I think there is a possibility of some détente here. Let our goats and their goats do a bit of mating and we can sort it out. And next time you drape the soft shawl, don’t be surprised if someone asks: Was it good for you?


  1. The Pakistani administration made a mistake by debarring the Sharifs. Given the situation with the terrorists and the Taliban, there was a need fro all democratic parties to come together on one platform.

    The victory of the Mamoond tribe over the militants is something that the administration needs to capitalize on.

  2. Nawaz Sharif does not represent the ideals of the Long March, and his words are those of an opportunist; he depends on the March, not vice versa. There are unbelievably committed people behind this, and what it will achieve remains to be seen. Whether or not the gains are substantial, this will always be more than "a photo-op".

    And please, from no angle do the millitants come in.

  3. fv
    Yup! Pakistanis brought this on themselves. Now, they should either murder zardari or sharifs and find some new leadership.

  4. fv
    Sharif brothers have sacrificed their own political careers for the sake of judiciary.

    Sharifs united with Zardari just on one and only condition to reinstate actual judiciary which was enabled by Musharaf, even BB fought for this reinstatement.

    And when zaradri deceived Pakistanis and broke his fake promises, Sharifs were left with no choice, but, to declare long March....

    I believe Sharifs are true leaders...

  5. Milind:

    Debarring the Sharifs was of course counter-productive, but enough for him to go around behaving like a martyr.


    True, Sharif is capitalising on the Long March, but he does have support. One only hopes that is it more than a photo-op...committed people have rarely had a major say in any society. This sort of rally can lead to violence.

    "And please, from no angle do the militants come in."

    I have mentioned the Taliban, not militants.


    Disagree with you here. The Sharifs have always had their own agenda, like all politicians do. No sacrifice here.

    One can only hope that the 16th brings something positive.


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