

Ask the vexpert - 15

Question: Is the length of penis hereditary?

Sexpert: No idea.

Me: Yes. You do get your eyes, nose, hair from your parents, so why not the penis? The one problem is that since the penis is a male preserve and a child can inherit characteristics from the mother as well, the length of the said organ would depend on the X chromosomal equation with the Y. If your other body parts are more like your mother’s, then some psychological research would be needed: Did your mother ever suffer from penis envy? If she did, then chances of you having a longer phallus increase because jealousy gives out heat; heat encourages elasticity.

If your other organs are more like your father’s, then you’ve got what he’s got. However, the dictum ‘child is father of man’ may apply here too as would the theory of evolution; therefore, you might get an extended version. The flip side is that this generation has to deal with global warming, recession and depleting natural resources. It might affect your organ. That is the reason people switch off the lights, it is to conserve energy and let the power last longer.


  1. Haha! "Depleting natural sources" & "That is the reason people switch off the lights, it is to conserve energy and let the power last longer."

    You know what, you need an actual vexpert column in a newspaper.

  2. Sounds good except that I will be shown the way out soon for misleading people...


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