

Uma Bharti ji, may I show you the light?

Dear Sadhviji:

You talk of upholding the truth, but you are lying that you don’t know who demolished the Babri Masjid. This is like saying Hanumanji, who you called your brother, did not burn Lanka.

You said, “...In fact, everyone was in the dark about the demolition except those who did it. We still don’t know who did it… Advaniji and (H V) Sheshadriji (of the RSS) have also said this…”

I will show you your own lies soon. Let us first get the reason for your new-found amnesia out of the way first.

Kalyan Singh cries he don’t know whodunit.

He said he was given to understand that a symbolic “kar seva’’ would be performed for the construction of a Ram temple at Ayodhya.

Oh yeah? A symbolic kar seva with thousands of kar sevaks gathered at the site and engraved bricks being transported? This does not happen overnight. They also had designer padukas made; interestingly, the guys who made these wooden sandals are Muslim. And it all started with Advaniji's rath yatra.

Advani starting the process in his Toyota caravan

So Umaji, you are being audacious. You think you can get away with it? Yes. Because our people don’t care. But some of us want to show you your face, not just in the mirror but in the muddied pool you have been a part of. You, dear lady, had told the Press Trust of India in February:

"I feel sorry for him (Kalyan Singh), as why he tendered an apology in the Babri Masjid demolition. After all it was the issue of Ram Temple, which made him the chief minister."

On the Ram temple, you said:

"The issue has ended on December 6, 1992 itself. It could be said that the demolition of Babri Masjid was a victory for the Hindu society and a defeat for the BJP. Now the Ram Temple could be built only through consensus."
Kar sevaks atop the mosque

Still in the dark?

Here’s some light:

The Indian Express did a detailed report on this ‘being in the dark’ business some years ago:

Anju Gupta, an IPS officer, was barely two months into her job when she was asked to take charge of L K Advani’s security on December 6, 1992. Her testimony to the police, to the CBI and to the Liberhan Commission, is perhaps the most damning against Advani.

Ms. Gupta was sitting next to Shri Advani on the dais. This is what she said:

  • Advani ke aate hi, mahaul garam ho gaya. Jaise hi Advani bolte gaye, mahaul garam hota gaya. (No sooner had Advani arrived than the situation became tense. And it worsened as he spoke.)”
  • “I did not see any of these leaders making any effort to stop the demolition of the disputed structure. Advani was sad only about the fact that people were falling off the domes and dying.’’
  • “When the first, second and third domes fell, Uma Bharti and Sadhvi Rithambara hugged each other and distributed sweets. They also hugged men. Uma Bharti and Sadhvi Rithambara expressed happiness by hugging Advani, Joshi and S C Dixit. After the domes fell, they congratulated each other.’’
If you don’t know who did it even after this, then you wouldn’t be aware that Advaniji, our country’s PM candidate from the BJP, was shouting on the loudspeaker asking the kar sevaks to come down. If he did not know who did it, then who was he calling out to?

To quote Ms. Gupta again:

  • “Advani asked me what was happening elsewhere and I told him I did not know anything.’’

Now comes the real smart part. The magistrate decided it meant that Advani was ‘‘in the dark’’ about the demolition!

It was a slimy thing, but one does not expect any better. Ms Gupta said that he started appealing to kar sevaks to come down from the domes only after he learnt from her that the mosque was being demolished from below and that those on top were falling down and getting injured.

Kaam khatam, paisa hajam.

Remains of the day

Umaji, even if one gives you the benefit of doubt as zakat, you can see these pictures. This was 1992. Internet had not arrived in India. The photographers from the media all over the world could not possibly have sat with the same Photoshop software to create this only to keep you in the dark, right?

Look at these pictures closely and tell me who these people are. Indians. Hindutva goons. Kar sevaks. Gathered there for a purpose. With the blessings and incitement of the saffron party leaders.

Why did you hug Sadhvi Rithambara after the demolition if you didn’t know who did it? Do you applaud when someone wins a match if you don’t know who is playing? Get over it.

I hope you are biting your tongue right now. Yes. Do it hard. And hold your ears and seek the pardon of Lord Ram over whose shoulders you and your fellow liars ride. It would be an insult to him, but you have been insulting him for years.

You people are an insult to the nation. Next time, think a hundred times before you want to take credit for trying to usher in Hindu Raj. You might even forget don't need light, but lightening.


  1. fv, we are not bothered because we have better this to do not like pseudo secularists.

  2. FV,
    The fact is these folks had the guts to lead a mob and demolish the mosque structure but didnt have teh guts to stand upto the scrutiny of the law of the land ...the other fact is no where in hinduism there is a huge fixation on the location or direction of the temple focusses on the aatma and karma ..they have neither . Another fact is that these mosques are were the mughal rulers way of opereesing the hindu signs of history , just like mayawati is trying to put her statue every 5o meters or the brits with their victorian houses ....we should pull all down that logic ...

  3. Thank you for this expose,just want to say your persistance is appreciated and you are not alone

  4. Anon:

    Is your 'better things to do' keeping tabs on those of us who don't? What I do is good enough for me and other 'pseudo secularists'...


    Thanks. Labelling people pseudo is invariably a kneejerk reaction and a defence mechanism.


    True. And not only do they not have the courage to stand up to scrutiny, they are blatantly lying and disregarding their own statements. And nothing yet in the great mainstream paper.


    Thank you...this is one of the reasons that keeps me going.

  5. According to Farzana, destroying the Bamiyan Buddhas is ok because there are no buddhists in Afghanistan. However, the destruction of the babri masjid is a cause the whole world must mope about...eternally.

  6. Indeed, if you choose to see it isolated...

    Now, Muslims are the largest minority, and that does not look like a minority. And there were riots after that in which people were killed, killed with the connivance of the government. The Babri Masjid for people like me became a symbol of THAT.

    I don't want the whole world to mope but I don't want the people responsible for the reason to lie through their teeth and I want the right to mope. Not eternally, but till the issue is resolved and till it is not used as a political stunt.

    Unlike the Ms. Shams who are talking about being transformed into Muslims from being just "cultural Muslims" only because they have a film to sell or an election item, I have nothing to gain and do not wish to.

    Thank you.

  7. @FV

    I feel sorry for him (Kalyan Singh), as why he tendered an apology in
    the Babri Masjid demolition. After all it was the issue of Ram Temple, which made him the chief minister.

    Ramjanmabhoomi was the one which catapulted Kalyan Singh as CM. And this proves what? Many of us feel that Advani should not have apologized for bringing down of disputed structure.
    This does not prove that Kalyan Singh knew about the plans to demolish of the disputed structure.

    Advani asked me what was happening elsewhere and I told him I did not know anything.

    If Advani knew what was happening, Why would he pose that question?

    When the first, second and third domes fell, Uma Bharti and Sadhvi Rithambara hugged each other and distributed sweets. They also hugged men.
    Uma Bharti and Sadhvi Rithambara expressed happiness by hugging Advani, Joshi and S C Dixit. After the domes fell, they congratulated each other.

    They were happy that the disputed structure was demolished. They were happy that what was rightfully theirs was being taken back. Again, this does not
    show anywhere that they knew beforehand that the disputed structure was about to be bought down.

    I did not see any of these leaders making any effort to stop the demolition of the disputed structure.
    Advani was sad only about the fact that people were falling of the domes and dying.’’

    Why would and why should they? They did not start the demolition. We are here to prove if they knew about the demolition of
    the mosque beforehand. Unfortunately, this does not prove that too.

    If this is the most damning evidence, then I am sorry to say that, You guys have absolutely no case against Advani.

  8. communalization of politics and riots have become a pastime for politicians and political parties and they are aware of weak legal machinery and we see it's exploitation in our political discourse. It is the common man who suffers from it.


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