

Is the offical 9/11 version a big lie?

I got this from a friend. People have always asked questions and the relentless pursuit of facts has still left us with hazy details. The purpose of sharing this here is so that we can hear a few more voices. This is the note I received and the links:

This email is for those who are not conspiracy theorists but who are intelligent and open minded enough to hear out arguments that do not concord with the 'official' and 'politically correct' version of events.

These videos show respectable people -- mostly Americans -- who are, or have been, engineers, physicists, airline pilots, military pilots, air traffic controllers, intelligence officers, FBI agents, high ranking military officers, high ranking diplomats, elected members of legistative bodies like national parliaments, business executives and survivors from the Twin Towers who "were there" and family members of the victims along with several other credible witnesses who make very convincing arguments that the 9/11 official version of events is a BIG LIE.

You must see ALL 12 parts ... This is not sensational journalism. I wouldn't waste your time...

"People should be ashamed for not seeking the truth" A bereved father of a 9/11

1) ( view time 7 min 7 sec)
12 (10 min 12 sec -- last six minutes are credits)


  1. It took you 8 long years to begin doubting the official version?

    These words from the email - those who are not conspiracy theorists but who are intelligent - made me laugh. If it takes the so-called intelligent people 8 years to finally come to a conclusion which conspiracy theorists concluded on the day after the big event, who is more intelligent?

    In fact, many conspiracy researchers even knew before 9/11 that a false flag event was likely to happen which will allow the bush government opportunity to flex its muscles..

    Research PNAC and its call for a 'new pearl harbor event' two years before 9/11

  2. Thanks for this.It is only way to make people think or they forget

  3. FV conspiracy theories again lol.......... muslims can do no wrong........

  4. Anon:

    I suppose you are new here and to me. So just to brief you: there are No official versions Anywhere that I believe at face value. Hope that you are now happy to meet me.

    As regards the words used in the email, someone sending across links and mentioning conspiracy theorists is just a manner of expressing objectivity. It does not mean the person or I took 8 long years to realise it. I mentioned on my short intro that other voices need to be heard.

    You are enititled to your laughter, though.

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    Anon 2:

    It just so happens that it wasn't me on the videos. These weren't my theories although I may agree with some.

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    Welcome back! So the 9/11 guys are just Muslims to you? You tend to read selectively. As regards Karkare, have you seen his widow's comments on the Ram Pradhan Committee report? Have you read her earlier comments? Is she Indian or not?

    Your 'her country' line is getting to be lame. What next? I question Israel and I become Palestinian?

  5. FV, if you have so far hesitated commenting on 9/11 conspiracy despite believing in it, I can see why.

    The arjuns of this country with their idiotic world-view in which conspiracies never happen anywhere except in the minds of Muslims are hard to deal with :)

    @arjun - buddy, you may not have the patience to watch 2 hours of videos, but at least learn to read what FV has put up.


    "These videos show respectable people -- mostly Americans -- who are, or have been, engineers, physicists, airline pilots, military pilots, air traffic controllers, intelligence officers, FBI agents, high ranking military officers, high ranking diplomats, elected members of legistative bodies like national parliaments, business executives and survivors from the Twin Towers who "were there" and family members of the victims along with several other credible witnesses who make very convincing arguments that the 9/11 official version of events is a BIG LIE."

  6. Anon:

    FV, if you have so far hesitated commenting on 9/11 conspiracy despite believing in it, I can see why.

    No. You can't see why because you aren't even seeing. What exactly does haven't even commented mean? I have commented but not at length because one needs something to back up one's claims. More importantly, as I have said ever so often 9/11 isn't the greatest tragedy and the US has made it into an industry. Yes, I wrote about that. Surprised? And I choose my topics on the basis of what it means to me at a given time, not to play to any gallery and their beliefs. The issues go well beyond 9/11 into the heart of my country.

    The arjuns of this country with their idiotic world-view in which conspiracies never happen anywhere except in the minds of Muslims are hard to deal with :)

    The Arjuns of the world have to deal with me not I with them. And let me assure you they are easier to handle than the conniving 'nice' secularists and rallywllas.

    Perhaps you'd try coming here non-anonymously? How about a nic like Dronacharya or Eklavya?!

  7. "No sir, they will not..the only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States" - former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer

    and here is the script of the attack written by a telegraph journalist. Watch all the 5 parts..


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