

The RSS is Islamist?

The mailbox is a hugely interesting place. Yesterday, I got an email from a self-styled Hindulogy Foundation. The recipients were mostly movers and shakers; I was, I suppose, the shaker.

I shall reproduce most of this note, without changing anything, including capitals. It is addressed to Sudheendra Kulkarni who has quit the BJP:

Dear Shri Kulkarnni,

Congratulations for liberating yourself from the Slavery of RSS led Shakuni Parivar.

I knew that you, Jaswant Singh & my Guru Shri Arun Shourie can't opt for lifelong Slavery of this criminal organisation which has given birth to the criminals like Godse, Purohit, Pragya etc etc.

Let's work together to expose the real ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY & CHARACTER of RSS, so that gullible Hindus do not fall into their Pseudo -Hindutva trap.

Divine was graceful on me when I saw the demise of RSS led Shakuni Parivar in 2002 itself just after famous GUJARAT EXPERIMENT of RSS.

RSS is not an iota of Hindutva. Hindutva apeal can't be confined in the tiny brains of people like Sudarshan & Mohan Bhagwat. I have made following two imminent forecasts:

1. ISLAM will not see the SUN-RISE of next century.

2. US will become a HINDU NATION by 2100 AD.

Anyway I am very grateful to you & Jaswant Singh for displaying courage, which is missing in most of the Hindus throughout the Globe.

- - -

Wah, bhai, wah. When the RSS does the dirty it becomes Islamic.

For someone who is berating the RSS, which is largely responsible for the Hindutva resurgence, I wonder why the writer is so enthusiastic that Islam dies in the next century (very convenient, Mr. pseudo Nostradamus, since none of us will be around). And why this eagerness to see the US as a Hindu nation?

The internet has spawned a whole bunch of people who find sustenance in these theories.

Now, we come to Sudheendra Kulkarni. I can vouch for one thing – he is willing to listen and talk even if you are not on the same page as he is. The problem is that I knew him when he was a Marxist and I was trying to be one. You know how it is…I did not know he was a card-holding member of the CPI (M), though.

It is believed that the L.K.Advani speech about Jinnah was his work. Therefore, his taking up for Jaswant Singh is not unusual.

He has explained his reason for quitting:

“I have concluded that I cannot make any meaningful contribution to the party any more as I have ideological differences with it as it stands today…I want to have the freedom to express my views and be sincere to my convictions. At the same time, I respect the discipline of the party and, therefore, I have stepped out.”

How can one respect the discipline and have ideological differences? This discipline is a part of the saffron ideology. Everytime anyone raised protests, they would come out with this discipline thing. Oh, we are so disciplined. We have in-house elections, we follow rules, we manage to gather people to collect bricks and stones.

Now, what I would like is to read a book by Sudheendra Kulkarni. A man who has worked closely with both Atal Behari Vajpayee and Advani and in his early life with the Commies will have very interesting things to say.

As for the JS book, I repeat what I had written. What has he said about Savarkar, Golvalkar, Godse? Why is everyone cashing in on the cash-cow leaders and forgetting those who continue to be a part of the saffron ideology to which Jaswant Singh belonged until just the other day?

And, please, all these experts should just take a deep breath before they pronounce the death of the BJP. With all these departures, and its blaming Varun Gandhi of all the little people in the world for part of the debacle, and the post-mortem they will only conclude that they need the elders to guide and the second rung to go forth and conquer. Narendra Modi is considered young. And he is only going to get stronger.


  1. LOL this man is funny and he is sending letter to people.He is real hindutva wala putting on mask.Do you think those who left will join any other party??

  2. You are right. he is a real Hindutva bloke. Just a tactic...will those who left join other parties? Some will. And some will return...look at Uma Bharti's example.

  3. Farzana,
    any body interested in understanding must consider works of german historians of india and region Kulke and Rothermund( History of India). This book is really unique as it is by impartial observers.Kulke is dead and Rothermund is octogenarian.I am not sure if Jaswant Singh read these authors.He may have been more influenced by writing of Jinnah's secretary.

    Contributions of Jinnah and Gandhi in my mind are not in the same league.Yes they were contemporaries.Jaswant Singh ,by putting them in the same category is just trying to start a controversy it might be all a marketing tactic.
    My uncle met Jinnah at lahore ( (before independence)railway station and asked him what was his message for a him on finding out that he was hindu ,Jinnah said "I have no message for you go to Gandhi for your message" .Read what you may in it.
    kul bhushan

  4. The JS book notwithstanding, I think the leaders had got into a battle for the spoils of power, and Gandhi's power lay not in holding an office.

  5. Dear Farzana Versey, Kindly see the following to remove your any doubts & join the debate if you wish.

  6. You can also have a look at the following & offer some comments, if you wish.

    The RSS is Islamist or a Criminal Hindu NGO ????


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