

When the swine get you swooning

Can you imagine Indian President Pratibha Patil saying that tur daal is good for mating or Asif Ali Zardari voicing his approval for magaz (brain) masala as aphrodisiac?

The Argentinean president has no such qualms. She is all for bacon in bed. Cristina Fernandez was speaking to what reports refer to as the “swine industry” representatives. So charged up is she over how pigs set the hormones aflame and the adrenaline to rush that she has even offered subsidies.

The climactic moment with hubby...when she became the first woman president

Her testimonial goes something like this:

“I didn’t know that eating pork improved sexual activity. It is much more gratifying to eat some grilled pork than to take Viagra.”

Now she knows through some pig-sty activity with her hubby, the former Prez, Nestor Kirchner. I think there is some feminist type lesson here. Men take Viagra. Therefore, it is men who will eat grilled pork. (I am assuming baked, fried, sautéed or raw are not as effective, or perhaps it is only a matter of taste.) Does the onus fall on men to not only perform in bed but also in the kitchen? If not, then does the woman cook it? Does she too partake of it? Having had their fill, both at the table and on it, is it possible that the male, being handicapped due to physical reasons, peaks less and the woman needs to channelise it elsewhere and finally does reach the top? Maybe even becomes president?

Just thinking aloud.

Argentina is traditionally a beef-eating nation and there are already discussions about how cows will be put to pasture and sheep will be left to graze, contributing precious little to the citizens’ culinary and carnal appetite.

The pork guys are happy. Said one of them:

“In Osaka, Japan, there is a village in which the people who reached 105 years old and ate a lot of pork had a lot of sexual activity.”

If the village is an example, it could mean that pork, like all red meat, adds loads of calories. But before the calories can make a home in the body, they are quickly burned off by sexual activity. Since people are kept busy and after a certain age do not have to worry about procreating, they enjoy themselves. There is less stress, more desire to live, so they live longer.

Can this module be replicated in other parts of the world? I mean, man on Wall Street downs a super large pork burger, calls up his partner at the university where she teaches who is slicing into a neat chunk of ham; they meet for a quickie, go back to stressful work, return late, down burger/chunk/whatever, try out some stunts, dream about the market crunch and academic crap. They are stressed as hell and will soon give up. On each other. Or, on the pork.

Sexy swines

It doesn’t quite work like Osaka. But it’s a nice thought that pigs may not fly, but could help humans to do so.

One more thing: Jews may be super rich and super smart and Islam may be the fastest-growing religion, but, sowy, being kosher will not get them far.

PS: Are the Viagra manufacturers going to announce a fatwa and place a price on the presidential head?


  1. I think all the rare animals (tigers, rhinos, and other poor creatures) that used to be killed for aphrodaisiacs need to thank the scientists who created viagra -- they may have been singlehandedly responsible in putting the brakes on the extinction of many dozens of species. Who says MNCs don't protect animals, eh?

  2. "Can this module be replicated in other parts of the world? I mean, man on Wall Street downs a super large pork burger, calls up his partner at the university where she teaches who is slicing into a neat chunk of ham; they meet for a quickie, go back to stressful work, return late, down burger/chunk/whatever, try out some stunts, dream about the market crunch and academic crap." sound like you wworked at Wall Street yourself :-)

    The standard routine in the place you are referring to is to order a triple-quarter-pounder with extra cheese and fried in mayo but the drink is always a Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke.

    The people who can count, count calories and run 35 miles before breakfast.

    The rest of them appear to be counting the change required to buy the next super burger that was released by Burger Princess because market studies showed that the triple quarter pounder with extra bacon still left the average american a little peckish after a couple of hours.

  3. Al:

    But our roadside guys still sell oils from sources that we do not know about. But MNCs, by saving animals form extinction are pushing for man as beast, who will tire soon enough and become extinct.

    Thanks for the education about the quarter pounder (hah!)No, I did not work at Wall Street...and I left out the mayo etc and concentrated on pork on the rocks.


    Well, I played on pigs at sex.

  4. FV:"But our roadside guys still sell oils from sources that we do not know about. "

    Sounds like the right spot for a Viagra salesman to pitch another tent nearby, literally speaking.


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