

Modi versus Advani

I switched off the television. It was getting tiresome. The script’s being followed as envisaged. Narendra Modi has to answer 68 questions; he took five hours to respond to 60. He is sitting in the SIT office with a retired fellow asking him those questions and a typist. They have had refreshments. After a short break, during which he came out to address the media, he returned.
The experts in the studio are following a pattern.

Most shocking comment was by Vinod Mehta, editor of Outlook, who said that Modi has to be commended for “submitting himself to such an enquiry”. Really? We had commissions before and top leaders have appeared before it – remember Liberhan?
So, what will happen?

The typist will take time preparing the papers. Modi will not be indicted. If he is, then it will be seen as a Congress conspiracy. The same people who were upholding the judiciary will question it.

It is simple. There is no evidence. He did not go burning bakeries and looting shops and, massacring people. And as one panelist rightly said, the murdered minister Ehsan Jaffrey is said to have made 200 calls, so why is only Modi being held responsible? Even if all those calls were traced, how is one to know the contents of the conversations?

Final verdict will be: Modi expressing sorrow for “my people” who have trusted him. End of story.

Then there is L.K.Advani. The details are being repeated again. He did instigate during the demolition of the Babri Masjid. Everyone knows it (here again); his denial cannot stand on two feet.

Interesting that the two cases are timed together.

Advani has nothing to lose. Standing on a podium and shouting slogans amounts to nothing, especially if you are now ‘retired’ and have already called Jinnah secular. Modi has everything to gain.

The Aruns in the party must be very happy that the second rung leadership is being superimposed – on Advani’s rubble the Modi pedestal will be erected.


  1. Rightly said. It is at such times of mockery of the constitution one has to rest his faith on God. I don't want Modi to go to hell because he was BJP, RSS or a Hindu, but only because of what he did.
    Only way for any discriminated section to rise up, is to rise and shine in fields like education, jobs, and politics. And have meaningful dialogues with the rest of the community on what Islam is as opposed to what they have been brainwashed to think it is.

  2. Well said. People in power abusing their powers and directing it at people they have been brainwashed to hate has been the world order.
    I don't mind if Modi hates Islam as he has the right to, but the problem is he hates Muslims. And the only way to stop this is to acquire power which means more education, social uplift, role in politics. It's the responsibility of the Indian Muslims to attain this equilibrium of power.

  3. Sheriff:

    The issue is not about Modi and Islam, but Modi and his use of the Establishment machinery against a particular group. It happens to be Gujarat and Muslims, as it was Orissa and Christians elsewhere and is often Dalits and other sections or immigrants from other states.

    I agree that discriminated sections must rise in education and professional fields, but a dialogue about what Islam is has got to be a personal dialogue. We are already on the wrong foot trying to explain religion; this only helps buffer the idea of faith as a part of the state. In India, it is not.


    My views would be the same as the one stated above. However, you have rightly brought in the demarcation between Islam and Muslims. The latter constitute a minority group with their own duties and rights and must be treated as such.

  4. Truth is the only casualty when people start playing politics with tragic events like riots. Advani made himself look competent all these years without achieving nothing. Compare the actions of the current HM to that of Advani's tenure as HM (when India was under attack a whole more) and it all becomes obvious.

    Justice dragged on for so long that Modi was able to distract the attention of his voters by changing the ground situation and showing results in governance, and retaining the loyalty of his voter base in Gujarat.

    My problem with the likes of Modi is that official government support for harming citizens is the surest road to creating long-term chaos -- LTTE did not just happen out of thin air...the Sri Lankan government's open bigotry against their own tamil citizens for decades resulted in the rise of People like Velupillai Prabhakaran.

    I wager Modi is clever enough as a politician to know that he cannot repeat this behaviour, but if these attitudes prevail under the surface, then there is a good chance that the same can happen in the future.


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