

The Queen, Brothels and Commonwealth Games

Isn’t it time we stopped the Commonwealth Games? Participants are countries that once were colonies of the British. We are now independent nations. Sports of any kind do not depend on old laws and aspects that hark back to the days and ways of yonder.

You might wonder why we play games that we inherited from the Brits. Then, we can go splitting hairs over several other things. Here, nomenclature reveals a form of slavery.

And the Queen of England has been inaugurating it for 44 years. This time, she won’t attend. She is busy, which should give us an opportunity not to be lazy about the monarchy and its role in our lives and our public image. Instead, we are seeing it as a “departure from tradition”. She is sending Prince Charles as her emissary to read out a message to the athletes during the opening ceremony. Prince Edward is the Vice Patron of the Commonwealth Games Federation, so he will be attending.

For a few months now one had been reading reports about how our home minister has been urging officials to pull all stops and see to it that the roads leading to the venues are in perfect shape; it is a good thing but he has talked about making a good impression to the world.

Obviously, we as citizens do not deserve these facilities.

In a related report, brothels in Delhi’s red-light area are being given a makeover and the residents are being given English lessons, as though they will be asked to have conversations.

Besides the fancy tiles, split ACs, refrigerators and LCD TVs have appeared as the latest additions in these brothels, which too hope to benefit from the Games extravaganza. While the owners themselves provide most of the money, funds have also come from National Network for Sex Workers, which is funded by the Ford Foundation. Apart from renovating the brothels, non-voluntary organisations are also focusing on health and hygiene of the workers.

It is sad that it takes an international event to motivate not just government officials but NGOs too. Should not hygiene and health be priorities every day, especially in professions that are vulnerable most?

Business does increase considerably on such occasions, be it sports or political meets, but this really is playing up sex tourism.

End note:

LCD TVs in brothels? Will they be watching the games there?


  1. FV:"LCD TVs in brothels? Will they be watching the games there? "

    The govt. is just making it easier for the international english-speaking customers to keep up with the outcomes in the commonwealth games while they are down at the brothel chatting up with the locals in English. This is what is referred to in the industry (don't ask which one..) as customer-friendly tourism.

  2. Thanks, Al. I would never have imagined!


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