

Let's Talk

Should they? Should they not? That is not the point. The foreign ministers of India and Pakistan met, had “high-level talks” and the real interesting stuff happened outside. Nothing will come of it, they said…Pakistan should first hand over Asif Ali Zardari…oh, well, Hafeez Saeed…we first need to talk about Kashmir…no, we need to talk about terrorism, Obama says so….Osama says so…we should talk about sharing of waters…do we have a minister of water welfare? We should not resume talks until the Mumbai attacks issue is solved…the hotels have reopened or what? Oh, nah, not been there yet, saw pix; Oberoi has a red piano in the lobby. So, we should talk, we should do trade, we should send artistes, we should make joint films, we should have food festivals, we should sit and learn something…Pakistan tops the list of internet search for ‘sex’…we have a larger population. Tells us something. But, we are talking about S.M.Krishna and S.M.Qureshi…why can’t he spell his name as Kureshi then they will have identical initials, but that is such facile thinking. We must get serious. We must talk. Have talk shows.

Qureshi slams India’s foreign secretary who slammed Pakistan for slamming into Indian territory. Lots of slam, bam, thank you plan.

The Opposition BJP wants to call off talks after the talks. The funniest is former foreign minister and Jinnah bookwallah Jaswant Singh, the returned prodigal, who said, “I would like to ask what is the meaning of a dialogue when India gets nothing. If we are not finding any purpose then we should call off the talks.”

He did not think of this when he went on those book signing picnics singing praises of Jinnah? And for a supposed intellectual, he should know that the meaning of a dialogue is just that – two people talking about something. It is not about one party getting something.

Had the BJP not taken him back he would have continued with his we must talk blah.

So, yes, it was a nice chat. We must find out the real good sites Pakistani youth are visiting.


  1. Farzana,
    The current round of talks were really tiringly pathetic. While this is very much true, not talking actually plays in the favour of war mongers on both sides of border. Absence of dialogue between both countries doesn't necessarily translate into "frigid relationship", it translates more into campaigning for mutual and self fulfilling hatred.
    A typical stalemate situation with all the dull and gloomy contours, you see.

  2. Your country tops the world in google searches for "child sex".

  3. Mahesh:

    The talks become a farce when neither party brings anything to the table besides leftovers. I feel, on the contrary, such empty talks cause more agitation and prop up the idea of the failure of democratic dialogues and therefore the need for other avenues.


    Sure, with India's population being what it is, there will be such google searches - on how to copulate successfully to beget children. I thought you'd get it.


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