

Pakistan's kafir?

Whoever got the idea to write in bold letters ‘kafir’ (infidel) on the coffin of a Hindu who died in the recent plane crash in Islamabad was stupid.

Of course, concerned Pakistanis are feeling remorse and even anger. It gives out the wrong signals, although the blasphemy laws for the living rarely bring out such visible ire.

Premchand was a social worker and along with everyone in that aircraft lost his life. I am a bit intrigued as to whether they had a proper solid coffin, as in made of wood and enclosed, which is rare in Islam. If not, there would have been a white cloth he was wrapped up in, so those words must have been written out on the sheet.

His remains lay at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences and those words have been attributed to a “clerical error”. Obviously, it is not. Clerks are not that smart, unless they are paid to act smart. And if they are, then it still does not make sense. Was he all that important that someone might want to label him? Also, it was a plane crash and not a bombing or something of a political nature.

It is probably sheer idiocy by some overzealous employee or it was planted by people who care to show that they care and are concerned about the minorities.

Several members of the Youth Parliament wrote, “Literally labelling someone’s coffin as 'kafir’ and not even giving them the respect to list their religion by its proper name is a shameful and disgusting way to disrespect the last remains of anyone. All the more so the last remains of a patriotic Pakistani, who was on that plane solely to represent Pakistan, and to seek to be a better citizen, deserved a much better treatment.’’

Oh, so if it was a minority person who was just running his little business or going about an ordinary job it would not have mattered all that much?

There were several people who died. Did someone seek out the body of a Hindu? If so, then why?

His colleagues wrote over the word ‘kafir’: "We love you – from the Youth Parliament’’. As though he is going to know about it. As though the person who did write it out will care. All this business about the general population who would not know Premchand or anyone like him going on about how disgusted they are is a lot of hot air.

It will make more sense if this spurs Pakistanis to action against the blasphemy laws.


  1. Ms Varsey
    I have'nt seen anything about this disgusting treatment of the remains of a non muslim in any of Pakistani online news papers. As for blasphemy laws I don't think there is anything which will spurs Pakistanis to action against the blasphemy laws. It looks like a sacred duty of majority of fundametalist muslims ( by that I mean Pakistani)to safeguard the blasphemy law. Wishful thinking, on your part.
    PS Can you not get rid of this heavy dark reddish colour?

  2. There is quite a bit discussed in the Pakistani media, a bit too much, I would think given that it sounds apologetic and not much beyond. That was my point.

    The blasphemy laws may never be changed because of political reasons and, incidentally, more Muslims have been arrested and punished due to it than non-Muslims. Go figure.

    PS: What really is your problem with the red background? I seriously want to know. Thanks for your interest.

  3. Do you read statements in their context?

    Re. the reference to 'stupidity', it is followed by "although the blasphemy laws for the living rarely bring out such visible ire".

    Re. the gem I found, go search. Look up research material and books. Muslims include all Muslims, not only the kind you can understand.


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