

Sunday ka Funda

I was sitting before a TV screen and suddenly this hip number was kind of in my face, quite literally. I had heard about the smoky new version of Dum Maro Dum and its sex quotient. Deepika Padukone has what it takes, but anyone could have done this – any item girl, any other actress. There are precisely two real moves in the whole song and it looks like an assembly-line product. There has been a build-up and people will lap it up. Will it stay in the mind for long? Nope. These belly-ass contortions need to be choreographed, and after a while the studied pout begins to look like a goldfish gasping inside an aquarium. It does not even have the cold-blooded streak of contained anger.

The new yawn

I don’t believe that anything old is necessarily sacrosanct. But if you meddle with something iconic then at least try and live up to it. Zeenat Aman was no great actress – Deepika is far better – but the original song stayed in character and does not look like the tens that came out even if we recollect the music of that particular era.

It remained in memory for years and continues to do so. It appealed to a new urban audience and created a different sound. It also created a different bad girl. The fact that it is so contemporary will be borne out by such scenes even today in many happening discotheques and lounge bars.

For some of us in our later growing up years, there just wasn't anything expressive enough for adolescent angst and we had to rewind to the 'dum'; just swaying sybaritically and pretending to be ‘ecstatic’ was such delicious rebellion.

The old dawn

PS: I think Zeenat was among the first mainstream dusky actresses and there was no special mention about her colour. It is, therefore, disappointing that Deepika who should be happy with her complexion is endorsing a fairness cream. She is pushing a stereotype and also assuming that people are fools. The advertising agency seriously needs to do a reality check. For a lot of bucks she is willing to be insulted, for insult it is to the way she is, and to cheat people into believing in the possibility of such change, which is not likely and should not be encouraged.


  1. FV,
    I was upset when the saw the "redone" version. Offensive lyrics and noisy instruments kill the impact of the original song . There have been a few attempts at redoing the old songs which is again economics, the royality to the original company is peanuts and the 3 days scehdule with Doped DJs costs peanuts too, ringtones sales and downloads have quick returns and recall value. That being said, this "quick buck" exercise eclipses some good original work being done. Mohit Chauhan sung Yun Hee in Tanu weds Manu and work done by Shafqat, clearly reflect the talent in poetry and in composition that we still have .
    About Zeenat, I tthink she is a Benchmark in all standards , she did lay the foundation for liberal portayal of women , in reel and real life. Deepika acts surely better but comparisons...

  2. SS:

    True about quick bucks and lowering of standards. Zeenat was a benchmark in terms of what we term the westernised woman. Liberal, I am not sure. We have had much stronger women characters essayed by Nutan, Nargis and even Madhubala. And in real life too.

  3. FV
    I don't understand why Indian actresses proudly copy strippers in each song lately? Why all Indian songs are picturized on white strippers dancing in the background while Indian stripper(heroin) doing all stripping acts in the front stripper field?

    I guess Indians are very much impressed from stripper culture that they wish to mix their ancient culture with their new found stripper culture....And sure movies are the real medium to expand stripperism.

    If they call this an Indian progress in Bollywood then how about Non Bollywood India?


  4. Circle:

    Non Bollywood India is currently stripping ethics. But there is hope because here too there are background dancers - white and non-white - while the main lead copies the actions.

    But then, I suppose there aren't too many innovative ways to strip.

    PS: I don;t think this is called progress; it is just seen as a bold move by some and sheer time-pass for others who wait for the next act.


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