

'Burning Patriotism': Et Tu?

Justice V R Krishna Iyer has said that currently the greatest enemy of India is not so much Pakistan but terrorism.

I object, M’Lord. You have rightly connected some part of terrorism to corruption, and even commended the Pakistani government for condemning the Mumbai blasts. Then you pull up “important Muslim organisations” for not doing so. What you say later is shocking:

"I am not challenging the patriotism of the Muslim organisations in India but do suspect the degree of their loyalty. If every Muslim in India feels India to be his motherland and wants to defend it, the Indian police intelligence will easily get information about the secret manoeuvres of hostile Muslim elements."

There were clerics who held prayer meetings; Muslims did condemn the act, for whatever such condemnation is worth. I am sorry to say so but your views expressed here are quite disgusting. If there is a terror attack, why is the onus on Muslims to defend the country unless they are in the police force, the army or security agencies? 

You mean to say that ordinary Muslims have knowledge, or that they are kept informed, or they have extra-sensory perception and can smell every Muslim who could be a threat to the nation? Instead of discussing the role of security agencies, you apportion blame on a community that does not only have to deal with suspicion but also keep a lookout for secret manoeuvres of hostile elements. Does that include non-Muslims? Please clarify this. It is important.

"What we require therefore is not so much policemen or weapons but burning patriotism. Every Muslim must watch the secret doings of other Muslim organisations especially foreigners. A new wave of patriotism must begin in every school, college and research organisation. Every Indian must watch what his neighbour is doing with a patriotic vision and mission to save the nation. Even children's organisations should be permeated with the spirit of Bharatmatha. Then alone India has hope. New intelligence methodologies are necessary."

Sure. It was this ‘burning patriotism’ that caused two major riots that destroyed people of the community that you expect should act as vigilantes. Do you imagine that every Muslim knows what is going on? What the heck are you trying to convey by referring to foreigners? Take names. Mention countries. 

We know about this new wave of patriotism. It means forcing religious books down the throats of children. We have all learned about the freedom struggle, about those who sacrificed their lives; those were historical lessons. Do not mess around with kids in such a devious manner. Can you imagine street kids and orphanages filled with such nonsense about nationalism without any reference point? Most children grow up with the knowledge of their national identity. They do not need to be tutored. India’s hopes lie not in this sort of baptism into the spirit of Bharat Mata. 

And could you help explain what exactly you mean by this spirit? The flag? The national anthem? The freedom struggle? Economic progress? Modi? Anna Hazare? Baba Ramdev? Nuclear power? Jaitapur tribals? Khap panchayat? Female foeticide? Undertrial prisoners? People waiting for justice for years?

If you want hope to permeate then do not create friction. You are a person in a position of authority and should know better. Patriotism will not work as an intelligence methodology. Our agencies work at it. The cops, the armed forces and even politicians to whatever extent it is possible. There are factors that they can improve and some bad elements. It has nothing to do with anyone’s faith. You don’t say, “Oh, those insurgents entered because some Muslim soldier did not stop them”. Or do you?

I will not be surprised. You know what, sir? My patriotism means questioning people like you as much as the next terrorist bloke. As an Indian I may not have your stature, or ever reach the position you have, or achieve the success you have, but I would not wish to be your kind of Indian. Ever. Because the patriotic spirit of the sort you have displayed is just that: spirit. It just goes up in the air and collects dust to form dark clouds.

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Also published in Countercurrents


  1. Orwellian. That a former JUDGE is saying this is even more disturbing. But he IS maybe it's the senility talking? :/

    " I would not wish to be your kind of Indian. Ever. Because the patriotic spirit of the sort you have displayed is just that: spirit. It just goes up in the air and collects dust to form dark clouds."


  2. FV truth is always bitter. You people are guilty conscious. Modi appears in every article. Yesterday Vastanvi chucked out because he praised the development of Gujarat.
    I would love to read your vies on this Funda-mental-ism.

  3. Vande Mataram:

    I am touched by your concern for what happens in the Deoband. I have spoken against their fatwas but re Vastani I have different views. You can search this blog for it.

    "You people" is a telling enough phrase and reveals your mindset, not mine. Modi was among the many people mentioned here. Why did you only notice him?

    Anyhow, no one has stopped you from praising him so if someone does not then return the favour graciously.


    I am even more appalled that certain people are supporting his statement, and they are not 95. The article is being discussed and as usual it is about 'FV's Muslimness", never Iyer's non-Muslimness.

    To be fair, there are sane voices who can figure out what was said.

  4. Vande Mataram:

    I am touched by your concern for what happens in the Deoband. I have spoken against their fatwas but re Vastani I have different views. You can search this blog for it.

    "You people" is a telling enough phrase and reveals your mindset, not mine. Modi was among the many people mentioned here. Why did you only notice him?

    Anyhow, no one has stopped you from praising him so if someone does not then return the favour graciously.


    I am even more appalled that certain people are supporting his statement, and they are not 95. The article is being discussed and as usual it is about 'FV's Muslimness", never Iyer's non-Muslimness.

    To be fair, there are sane voices who can figure out what was said.

  5. "The article is being discussed and as usual it is about 'FV's Muslimness", never Iyer's non-Muslimness."

    Exactly. Apparently you're only good enough to vexpert. Thats your place. Write anything concerning muslims and you're suspect. You cant win. It makes me tired for you.

  6. Meriam:

    Isn't my vexpert series seen as an Islamic conspiracy? Won't be surprised if it happened because quite a bit of criticism on political issues does allude to female hysteria and 'get laid' or 'join Mullah Omar's harem'.

  7. As i mentioned in my comments before the reason, why muslimness of FV and non muslimness of iyengar is an issue because of what muslimness means.

    If muslimness means dividing the world between muslims and non muslims, it will forever be suspect.

    If muslimness means believing that muslims (who believe in quran and prophet) have more human rights for eg freedom of speech vs blasphemy than non muslims,
    muslimness will always be suspect.

    Its bad that muslims who dont believe in the above criteria for muslimness get suspected.

    Maybe such muslims should create their self declaration on such issues in their blogs and

    most importantly
    even resolve it for themselves that what does it mean to be muslim for them?

  8. Please pose these same queries to Justice Iyer who made the despicable comments.

    No one has the bloody right to "forever condemn" people, and if they do then they are no better.

    We;ll figure out what it means or doe s not mean to be Muslim. You figure out what it means not to be Muslim and why it matters so much. Thank you.

  9. To answer your question "what it means not to be a muslim?"

    It means believing that quran is not the word of god and islam is not the complete way of life. The truth is open ended and ever evolving.

  10. I am sorry about i what i wrote earlier.
    a muslim can also believe in what i wrote earlier, so that doesnt necessarily distinguish him/her from a non muslim. (that quran is not perfect and islam is not the complete way of life.)

    Many muslims believe in open ended truth and like and revere some aspects of quran. May their tribe increase for muslims to be compatible and acceptable to the modern world.

    Non-muslims would then mean to not care so much about the holiness or sanctity of quran.


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