

Flag jousting and Indo-Pak 'peace'

The Pakistani flag is hoisted on New Year's Eve in India. At the tahsildar's office at Sindgi town in Bijapur, Karnataka.

Was there any news about it in the media immediately after?

There was damage due to violence. The police have arrested six people from the Sri Ram Sene youth wing.

Why was there silence, even if the idea was to spark off "communal tension" and a few Muslims could have been arrested? Why did that not happen?

The reports are coming in now, after things are under control. Does the BJP muzzle such news? How did the violence go unnoticed when the Sene and Bajrang Dal even gave a call for a bandh?

Not unexpected is the reaction that the BJP and RSS have nothing to do with this organisation. Remember how the BJP would distance itself from the RSS and continues to do so for opportunistic reasons, when the moderate mask wants to hide an aggressive face?

How different are the ministers in Karnataka telling women on the dress code to follow to prevent rape from the Sri Ram Sene group that goes on a rampage against westernised women?

It would be foolish to let it pass that such "miscreants" managed this and it came to light only after the BJP government took action.

You might wonder why they did it at all. One word: elections. The make-up van clears all blemishes.

As for the news, a trickle will now become a storm, and only storms have news value.

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In other news Shashi Tharoor thinks Indo-Pak peace can happen only if we deal with the messy stuff first. Now, people like us have been saying so for gadha (donkey's) years. Mr. Tharoor will hobnob with Them at soirees, though.

One more observation: Pakistani liberals will really cry for peace with India despite their dictatorial government policies. Indian professional liberals will toe democratic government lines.

People like us just speak without waiting for taalis or gaalis.


  1. The very policemen that ur ilk have accused of bias against the minority are somehow sacrosanct when the ones arrested are from Ram Sene (I hate them too but that's not the point)

    Y do U apologists bend over backwards to prove hindu terror exists ? well it does - so what ?

    I think it's more about Y is the govt. softhanded with the likes of Sena et al ?

    It's funny how these arguments pan out - I will point to our erstwhile islamic neighbours (east or west your pick) and the treatment meted out to their respective minorities - and the caricature of hindu persecution the Kashmiri-pundits
    U'd say "but we are secular ! voila !"
    ... and now I cannot ask where ur loyalties lie , without being branded a bigot ain't it ?
    -Infidel Bear

  2. @ FnF:
    Mask or a face you ask ? it's the naked face of a in-bed-with-the-ummah-intellectual.

    It's not a new breed really; kinda half-sister of Arundati Roy kind.

    listed below are their line-of-thought(if you can call it that):

    1.Scare mongering over "hindu-terror" : painting a let-me-blow-myself-up-for-my-share-of-72 islamist with the same brush as a ram-sene miscreant(alleged) . This is done in open so let's call this the FACE.

    1(a) Sangh Parivar, VHP,RSS,BJP,Bajrang Dal bashing. throw in Modi , throw in AFSPA - let's party baby!

    1(b) Malegaon "Blast", Ajmer "Blast", and Godhra - unhealing wounds. (Hindu persecution during moghul era? - history , get over it already!)

    2.Using Dalit's and muslims interchangeably - Dalit is the pan-hindu hall-of-shame keep rubbing it in (psst, let's have wet dreams about Mo's Caliphite instead)

    3.Paki-phile posts - That's the MASK (AKA I wish I were a Paki so that I did not have to write about being Indian in pakistan)

    4.The Last Bastion of Bangla-Muslim immigrants - let 'em all in

    Summary: She in a card carrying Indian Muslim - now don't ask her these are-you-still-on-the-fence questions _ Circus has left the town.


  3. FV,

    QUOTE: "...naked face of a in-bed-with-the-ummah-intellectual"

    Do you expect apologies from CandidSpade for the sexism? Or is the thought too tempting in itself to talk of apologies? :)

    - The long-condemned sexist

  4. CandidSpade:

    Although you have responded to F&F, since I am the subject here, let me respond. I must say I had a good chuckle, except when you brought in the half-sister bit. That was low.

    Let me do my counter-‘insurgency’ bit here:

    1. The anti-Islamists suffer from this houri-in-heaven envy, so THEY try and compare with the Ram Sene, albeit as a defence (“alleged”….weep into saffron pillow, works as well as houris). “Let’s party baby” signifies enjoyment by proxy. After all, once you have ‘those’ on the dance floor, it is just so much easier to berathe outside, or to smoke ‘em out.

    “Unhealing wounds”…of course, pinch, pinch, history is for real, Babar ki aulad. So, all these years later it is “Meet the parents time”, while the Mossie bloke sings “Papa kehte hai bada kaam karenga” and poof goes the blast. Sure, let’s do a history tour and find out how many Muslims are born of those Mughals. I wanna get mah Peacock Throne back…ewww.

    2.Using Dalit's and muslims interchangeably - Dalit is the pan-hindu hall-of-shame keep rubbing it in (psst, let's have wet dreams about Mo's Caliphite instead)

    This is really the Hindutva idea of karma being dharma, so the Dalits are used interchangeably by them and not Muslims, who don’t even recognise the backward in their midst. (Re. psst…etc….I told you it’s all about envy. Isn’t there an organisation called Hindu ‘Jagran’. Rise, my lord)

    3.Paki-phile posts - That's the MASK (AKA I wish I were a Paki so that I did not have to write about being Indian in pakistan)

    This cracked me up. Thanks for at least plugging my book. Wish you were there :)

    4.The Last Bastion of Bangla-Muslim immigrants - let 'em all in

    Nah. Have you not read what I think about Tasleema? They all don’t want to come in.

    Summary: She in a card carrying Indian Muslim - now don't ask her these are-you-still-on-the-fence questions _ Circus has left the town.

    After reading you, not only is the circus still there, but let me tell you that jumping on the trampoline cannot make you pull out clouds from thin air. Of course, YOU carry no card, you are just showing the mirror blah-blah. Everytime you see some glass breaking in your backyard, you hold it against the sun and think you have found the light. But hang on, that thing on the fence is a reflection of yourself.

  5. F&F:

    1. Don’t you get tired asking the same thing? What has Pakistan got to do with this act that happens by our people within our shores? I say this even when the Indian Mujahideen operates on its own.

    Are they all moderate masks trying to hide an aggressive face? Are you a mask or a face?

    So, now I become a moderate?! And what I say becomes aggressive, when your response on autopilot is not. Honestly, it does not matter whether you call it a mask or a face. With photoshop you can add the mask anytime or change the face to see what you like to see.

    2. QUOTE: "...naked face of a in-bed-with-the-ummah-intellectual"

    Do you expect apologies from CandidSpade for the sexism? Or is the thought too tempting in itself to talk of apologies? :)

    - The long-condemned sexist

    I looked at it as an abstraction, because there is no ummah ‘person’. I do not expect apologies from those who are condemned to get off by such references (adding “intellectual just gives it that added tartness) As for the latter part of your comment, there is no thought so tempting that I cannot realise. Obviously, this isn’t for me. But are you thinking about the orgy (since the ummah constitutes groups) by default imagination?

    I shall not spoil the party for you. And stop moping…you have company.

    - - -

    Infidel Bear:

    Yeah, “so what?” Since it is as easy as that no one needs to bend over backwards. It’s real easy. The cops did not do any favour by arresting those goons, since they arrest Muslims who are then released because they are innocent. Get that clear. Of course, you don’t like the Sene guys…funny, how many people do not like them, yet take up for them.

    You cannot ask me where my loyalities lie because you have exposed where yours lie.

  6. @FV,

    ....continuing with the ad hominem org-fest

    1. "houri-in-heaven envy" , I surely envy a lot of things - but being dead-bearded-geezer whose only after-life consolation is celestial-kebab fed, overweight,head-gear-clad virgins _is not on my bucket list. err I mean the post-hoc bucket list.

    2."while the Mossie bloke sings “Papa kehte hai bada kaam karenga” and poof goes the blast." - I don't understand the context( however metaphorical or lyrical). Too bad these Mossie blokes have to play tika-toting Prem's and Rahul's in desi-tear-jerker movies upholding the sanskari "Indian values".

    3."let’s do a history tour and find out how many Muslims are born of those Mughals." - A rather futile exercise don't you think ? they did not have to "sow-their-seeds" in anatomically relevant places to leave their legacy anyway.

    4."This is really the Hindutva idea of karma being dharma,so the Dalits are used interchangeably by them and not Muslims."- Karma- as a nihilistic proposition is but a tiny cog in what constitutes as hinduism. Call this convenient stereotyping -not all philosophies can be classified into 5-pillars a prophet, a trip to a desolate place and a set of draconian laws.

    5."Paki-phile posts -Thanks for at least plugging my book. Wish you were there :) " - I wish I were there too - Peshawari Naans I eat in the place I am are such watered-down affair to suit the western palate :-) .

    May be I did not articulate enough, and may be you may not agree with me at all, but pakistan is a fallout of muslim-identity-crisis, a nation whose basis of existence is the state religion - ("Zia says") . A land thus meant as a refuge for the pan-indian-muslim(pre 1947) is not really a pariah to Indian muslims in this day and age ain't it ?

    To further the divide there's the marginalization of muslims in India, growing islamophobia, a bludgeoning sindhoor-dripping middle class who won't rent out their houses to muslims , mechanized butchering , the latest debutant the cow-slaughter bill.

    factoring in all of the above , what's the pakistaniyat equivalent for Indian-Muslim ? Certainly not Hindustaniyat - that's the context in which I call your kind pakiphiles - and your blog post's do reflect that.

    -Candid Spade


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