

Sunday ka Funda

"I don't like the term fight. I would rather say the high-quality treatment worked for me and I'm equally thankful for the prayers and blessings."

These simple words by Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala, who is recuperating after successful treatment for ovarian cancer, really struck me.

Why do we always expect people to be fighters when they are down not due to their own failings, but because circumstances have just turned against them?

There may be days when we have all wanted to give up. We don't even know if there is something to fight against. That we do not keel under the pressure or come out smiling is because we remember the times when we asked, "How can I go on?"


  1. FV, Thanks for this SKF. great song. what a voice FMercury possessed -- sad that he is no more. He was a great entertainer and performer.


    PS: This song has made me pull out Queen's "Night at the opera" from my pyl of vinyl to hear one of my favorites, "lazing on a sunday afternoon", not to mention "Tie your mother down" and all of Brian May's sweet guitar solos.

  2. FV, regarding "fighting" -- I only fight with myself. Most things are beyond control or influence anyway, so fighting them is mostly a figment of my our own imagination, not that such figments are not useful sometimes.


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