

Sunday ka Funda

"No, you can't lose a broken heart..."

You can. There are takers for recycle, perhaps, to want to bleed, to find some sheen in those pieces. But, more importantly, this is for those of us who do not think things out, who are upfront, and who finally do ourselves in...

"Take a walk
Think it over
While strolling neath the moon
Don't say things in December
You'll regret in June

Weigh your remarks
Before you speak
Or you may be sorry soon,
Don't be erratic
Be diplomatic
To keep your heart's in tune

Cruel harsh words
Often spoken
Will upset your applecart
So don't lose your head...
Cus, you can't lose a broken heart..."


  1. void *Al() {}23/03/2014, 20:14

    Hi FV, lovely song and has a bonus of Louis Armstrong singing the other part of this duet.

  2. void *Al {return NULL;}25/03/2014, 20:16

    "But, more importantly, this is for those of us who do not think things out, who are upfront, and who finally do ourselves in..."

    FV, am hardly a diplomat in any sense, but I can see what this song says. On the other hand, from experience, It is quite easy to do oneself in by thinking too much about stuff do...actually appears to be what some of us do all the time as we do ourselves in (unintentionally as it happens), and watch it all explode in slow motion, and then it is like it was all maya.

  3. With maya, one at least the wounds too are illusory...


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