

Sunday ka Funda

I've been reading about how tomorrow, Januray 19, is going to be the pits. It has been marked as the "blue Monday" of 2015, although nobody will enlighten us as to who decides on our happiness and unhappiness in such a fashion and how this will be the only blue Monday to qualify as the one for the year.

There are experts too on the subject who say the weather, debts, Christmas hangover and low motivational levels will make us all morose. And, yes, they also add failed New Year resolutions, and it is only 19 days since some of us might have made them. Why the hurry to damn us?

Indian papers and news magazines have picked up this 'news', even though our weather does not swing all that much and Christmas, although celebrated with much joy, is not the same as it is in many western countries.

If these are the yardsticks for unhappiness, would the opposite hold true for happiness? Are we all alike in the way in which we respond to the weather, for example? Grey clouds are elevating for me, and for a gambler a few debts are part of the game. Anyway, how much can happen to one individual in a day? Will we all go back to smoking and ditching healthy eating habits together?

In that case, such social congruity ought to be reason to celebrate and be happy.

For those of us with less ambition, there is Berke Breathed who said, "It’s never too late to have a happy childhood."


  1. Well, apparently some of us need to know how to feel. Perhaps like actors querying their director, "What's my motivation?"

    >>Grey clouds are elevating for me<<

    Me too. Not sure why this is so. Perhaps the promise of rain, fulfilled or not? I know folks who are made absolutely miserable by the rain; but I rather suspect it has to do with what it does to their hair, expensive attire, how it makes them look silly wearing sunglasses. :)

    >>"It’s never too late to have a happy childhood."<<

    Nicely phrased sentiment. Layers of meaning. Not sure how to go about pronouncing his name, tho'. :)

    1. {Well, apparently some of us need to know how to feel. Perhaps like actors querying their director, "What's my motivation?"}

      Assuming then that our feelings are character driven aka role playing.

      Re grey clouds...some do feel miserable even indoors where they don't need to worry about hair! A lot is driven by received wisdom.

      Re the quote, perhaps he breathed life into it or it's just breathed and wine?!

      PS: Have been typing only on the phone of late; the comment box on my ipad has a problem trying to prove I'm not a robot:-)

  2. >>the comment box on my ipad has a problem trying to prove I'm not a robot<<

    Gosh that's funny, Farzana. I gather the image provided above was not a success in rectifying the situation? :D


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