

Dis n Dat

Bal-bal dekho

Bal Thackeray has asked the legal community to defend the accused in the Malegaon blasts. The BJP says it is all right to get private funds. Agreed. There is no need for Balasaheb to make this announcement because criminals always get legal aid and no one questions their lawyers about where they got the fees from. This is a right given to them in the Constitution.

If he is seeking donations, then there has to be a legal edict issued against Mr. Thackeray because that is not on. Woh zamaana gaya when the SS goons would go and knock on doors to demand donations to celebrate festivals, not to speak about getting money from illegal slums. Precious irony here considering most of these slumdwellers were the outsiders, and not Marathi maanus. That was ‘protection money’.

If he regretted the loss of life in Malegaon his boys should have provided relief, so he can cut out the drama as prefix to his real intent. As he stated:

“But if the pseudo secularists in the country are supportive of Afzal Guru [Parliament attack case convict], why should we not love and be proud of Sadhvi Pragya, Ramesh Upadhyay and Samir Kulkarni?”

Pseudo-secularists support Afzal Guru because the death sentence cannot be applicable to him. Simple. They do not love him nor are they proud of him.

“Every day Islamic terrorists are planting bombs to kill Hindus in India. The latest blasts in Assam too were engineered by Bangladeshi migrants. If a Sadhvi Pragya or a Ramesh Upadhyay or a Samir Kulkarni is born in the present milieu, they cannot be blamed.”

Can Mr. Thackeray give us clear figures that state only Hindus are killed in these bomb blasts? If he is trying to convey that young people are impressionable – although these three hardly qualify – then he should justify the terrorism that started in Kashmir and Punjab, and has moved to other places.

Instead he comes up with his usual inanities:

“The arrest of cultured and educated individuals in connection with the Malegaon blasts is an effort to crush Hindus to please Muslim fanatics.”

Haw…if I understand right, Balasaheb is an educated and cultured man and the head of the first goon party in India. Muslim fanatics don’t give a damn whether these three individuals have got their degrees or are cultured, but it bothers me that a leader thinks you can arrest some poor unlettered people and that does not matter.

Psst: all those Muslim jihadis are cultured and educated, too.

Curious: Can someone tell me why some professionals are called software engineers when they also deal with hardware?

Kundali rising

Priyanka Chopra gave four flops and asked director Madhur Bhandarkar to give her his horoscope which she showed her astrologer before the release of the film Fashion. Fashion has been pronounced a hit. Does she therefore believe that her director is supreme and will give him full credit? Will she refuse to take any awards and accolades and direct it all to his birth-chart?


Some Malaysian maulvis have said that yoga is haraam. I am quite happy. Why is everyone so upset? Anything that expects you to turn and twist like Michael Jackson and hold one nostril and breathe out from the other and make panting sounds is all haraam.

Islam tells you to get straight to the point. Yeah, go for shunya

Oh my goat!

Saudi women may be behind veils, but boy, their sheep do a real neat strut.

They had this beauty contest for sheep (rams and ewes get their chance as well). The event organiser, Faisal al-Saadoun, said, “Just like humans, sheep shouldn’t have fat in unwanted places.”

I don’t know what unwanted places mean in sheep lingo, but whatever it is, go for it. The winner becomes the prize catch and instead of a modelling contract or a Bollywood film in the pocket is bought at the highest rate. This time Sana won. Sana is a ram, and no gender bias here so stop badmouthing the Saudis. The buyer was ecstatic: “I loved his cheeks, his long neck and how his creamy yellow hair falls down his body.”

As the Arabs would say, marha-baal

What a headline

“Gwen Stefani unveils baby Zuma”

Like it is an art show or a fashion line?

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If you want to check it out, another review of AJI


  1. FV,
    you repeat brilliance after day ...
    On BT and RT, what are they smoking these days .....If i was them I wud Hire Majid Memon to fight malegoan accused cases...if he won ..great ...didnt win ..god help him ....
    I watched Fashion ...I would rather watch a Doordarshan documentary...Madhur is done ...u cant make three chandni bars in a astrolger cud have helped it ...
    If yoga is not halal then ..then I have an innocent question ...whats next ..i guess love making positions.........where are we going...
    On the Goaty fashion show,some people seriously have time and money to waste ...Manish

  2. FV:

    Bal Thackrey --- he is really bal as in a kid as in a juvenile. Or is it senile. No one takes his pronouncement seriously other than FV and TOI. Sorry FV, ignore that old fogie. He may be Bal but he doesn't have bal*s.

    Kundali/ Halal -- two sides of the same coin. Let us toss the coin now.

    Goat show -- voyeurism?

    Unveiling a baby or inaugurating a President --- someone should teach this amreekans angrezi. Objectification ki bhi had hoti hai.

    Review of AJI -- AJI sounded like the name of some terrorist outfit, till I saw the review. Hmmm... serious stuff in an inflight magazine. A decent review.

  3. Manish:

    I am smoking pollution...does it work? Just nitpicking here...


    There you go again and I disagree...Bal T is a part of my city and a destroyer. Why should I not worry about him? And switch on the TV; they are worried there too!

    "Review of AJI -- AJI sounded like the name of some terrorist outfit, till I saw the review."

    Aha, knew you'd one day go along with the rest and accuse me:) Aaj Jabber Inshallah (AJI)??

    "Hmmm... serious stuff in an inflight magazine. A decent review."

    Thought so too.


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