

Quote uncoat - 15

“I am married to my work”

Some idiot somewhere in the world utters this. The motives can be many.

Not to commit to a relationship. To show that s/he has a career that is very important. To convey that the job is rocking even if s/he feels it is a load of crap. There is nothing to do, but it sounds good to say it. Need to justify wearing a tightly-knotted tie in humid weather or a power-dressing skirt that shows you are more of an ass than anyone imagined.

So, to all those who work their butts and their heads off so much that they are married to the desk, chair, files, coffee-maker, computer monitor, conference room, agendas, strategy, and other stuff, here are my questions:

Do you have one night stands?

If you have a real partner, do you call that partner a mistress/whatever they call the other man?

Who cooks and cleans?

Are you with one person when you produce a baby or is it an orgy that gives it birth? In that case, who can claim paternity/maternity?

Do you realise you look like a buffoon each time you enter your office and they say you don’t come on time?

Or are you one of those who likes to say, “I am making love” when after those 15 seconds of fame you turn over and start smoking, napping, answering a call…hey, if Bill Clinton could , then why not you?

So, yeah, you are married to your work.

Now tell me: Do you f**k or do you get f****d?


  1. FV,
    What did you have on the weekend , historical trends tell me that you come up with amazing blogs on Mondays .

    I can guess his answer ..whatever happens to him, he gets paid for it ...LOL

    Cheers ...Manish

  2. FV:

    How can one disagree with your intent, but wasn't the post a bit too angry (even by your standards)?

    At least the "married to work" is better than "work is worship", which involves only genuflection.

  3. i don't understand....why do people say f**k instead of the real word?

    If you are worried about people's sensibilities, then the fact that you are actually using the word is enough..and so the ** become redundant. So why not just use the word without the censor?

    About the blog? What is the opposite of being 'married to your work'? Being divorced to your work?

  4. Manish:

    "historical trends tell me that you come up with amazing blogs on Mondays"

    Sounds like Prannoy Roy discussing the upward graph of the downward trend...
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    This post was angry? Heck, it was just tryign to be funny with a grrr...

    "At least the "married to work" is better than "work is worship", which involves only genuflection."

    I like the latter if it involves a lot of lying down :)
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    This is a fu**ing new side to you...what a fu**ing revelation.
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    "i don't understand....why do people say f**k instead of the real word?"

    What is the real word? (*Looking wide-eyed and very ignorant) Oh, you mean cohabit :)

    Now, why did you not use it? Our sensibilities can take it...btw, I like using asterisks; they seem like fucking stars.

    "What is the opposite of being 'married to your work'? Being divorced to your work?"

    See, how attached you say divorced TO rather than FROM.

    Divorce would not be the opposite because you have to go through marriage for it. I assume it would mean being single?

  5. A quick note:

    I appreciate the effort people take to post comments and try and respond as well as I can. However, this place was not designed for sophomoric dialogues of which there is a surfeit and good luck to them. Those who prefer that mode of banter (we do banter here too in a different manner) may not find this blog suitable to their disposition.age has nothing to do with it. Only because I engage in interacting does not follow that everything goes.

    It does not.


  6. I don't know to laugh or cry because I have used this line!!It looks funny after reading this

  7. KB:

    A lot of humour arises from tragic happenstances...

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    The note I posted came from various suppressed feedback and then the dam burst.


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