I love the idea of cultures meshing, but I am sorry I found this utterly devoid of any sense, forget sensitivity. A woman in a veil, her face completely covered, is with her little kid, also wearing a hijab.
Several messages go out here:
1. Eid is of no consequence and poor Muslims need to be helpers.
2. Muslim women cannot be shown without the veil or else they won't be recognised.
3. For Muslims to be seen as part of the mainstream they have to do all these lovely things; no one shows people of other communities doing one damn thing on Eid. (And I say this because in India we do go on and on about how we have so many religions, castes and ethnic types and yet remain a thriving democracy.)
4. Powai is a newly-developed area (where this picture is purportedly taken) and hardly a ghetto, so the veiled women do stand out.
5. I went to a Christian school and we had a Christmas party a day before the festival, so this pre-Christmas shopping thing is only a ruse.
I have said this before. Only because newspapers occasionally bash up Modi it does not make them secular. Do not forget that the TOI had stopped covering the hearings of the Srikrishna Commission regarding the Bombay riots in its early days and had not wished its readers for Eid on an earlier occasion.
Time to wake up and smell the stink of fake gestures.
ReplyDeleteTOI is not a paragon of journalism. It is a tabloid for the intellectually bankrupt... and with as much spine as a reed in the wind.
The tragedy is that other newspapers are no better. They are competing for the lowest common denominator. That is why, for all their flaws, I still respect Outlook and Tehelka more than India Today or Hindustan Times.
ReplyDeleteI have major reservations about Tehelka...we don't have much of a choice. Just read what is relevant in terms of news and do not depend on them for opinions.
I think it is a bit more than Muslims being "weird" which many are...this is a whole big mass movement that is coming down from the West.
ReplyDeleteWhat are your reservations about Tehelka? I would love to know more about them.
ReplyDeleteMay I direct you to two links?